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Product details
File Size: 461 KB
Print Length: 213 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Poisoned Pen Press; 2 edition (July 20, 2010)
Publication Date: October 2, 2006
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#528,156 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I've looked at a lot of books on writing mysteries, and most of them are full of general advice on writing novels, with little that is specific to the genre of mysteries. This book is different -- it is cram-packed with specific advice on how to plot a compelling mystery. Even the chapters devoted to elements common to all novels are approached in a way that is specific to mystery novels. For instance, in the chapter on point-of-view, Tapply discusses how to make POV choices that will best serve the elements of mystery. Similarly, in the chapter on structure, he discusses how to structure the story in such a way that tension continues to build, and so on. I highly recommend this book to anyone who writes, or aspires to write, any kind of mystery story.
I've read a lot of how-to-write-mystery books, and this is one of the best. It's very straightforward, covering the conventions (fair play, etc.) and clear, effective style. I thought he was a little conservative about the genre at times, as when he advised against having two protagonists. But he knows mysteries inside and out. One piece of advice he gives is that--after you have an idea for a book--write out the crime in chronological order (first thing). Then start mixing it up to create your puzzle, clues, red herrings, etc. I thought, "Why didn't I think of that?" I tried it out right away, and he's absolutely right. Everyone aspiring to write mysteries should read this.
I am a moderately successful writer. This book by Tapply is incredibly useful. I hadn't written mystery stories before and his explanations are clear and complete.
The daily grind of writing. No flash or slight of hand, just write every day. Today's publishing market is always evolving so some material is dated, otherwise a good read.May not be a good read for a non writer. Covers 1970 to 1990's era more or less.
This type of book is usually a bit of a disappointment, but my wife (budding writer) and I (eternal critic) liked it more than we expected. There isn't much on plotting, which was disappointing, but there is tons of commentary on who the main character can be and why they are on their quest of investigation. There's a late chapter by Philip Craig on his experience writing his Martha's Vineyard mysteries that is not exactly instructive, but utterly fascinating.
I have read scores of writing "how-to" books and this is one I would recommend for both would be writers of mystery novels and even would be writers of novels in general. I was really inspired by the personal stories (especially the one about the 55 year old waiting 20 years to have his second novel published and turning it into a series)and I found the advice substantive, realistic, and solid. I was surprised that there are so few reviews, this ought to be a best seller! Some of the information presented pertains to the publishing/bookselling business in general, but the meat of the book is geared toward writing mysteries, with lots of information I will file in my brain as I sit down to write my second book.
A good practical useful book.With 'how to books' you obviously read a lot of things you already know, you wouldn't be reading the book if you were not already interested in the subject so a review shouldn't reflect whether you gained anything new from the work or not. It rather stuns me, how harsh some readers can be in reviewing such books. My attitude to a 'how to book' is that the author has set out to strive to help others, and share their knowledge; that alone deserves a five star. Good work!
I lead a book discussion group and I'm always looking for books that give me more information listing the details used in writing a mystery novel. I found this book filled with ideas and suggestions.
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