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Product details
File Size: 15879 KB
Print Length: 338 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (July 15, 2015)
Publication Date: July 15, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#206,570 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I used iPhoto as soon as it came out. Now on my new computer I have Photos. It's quite different and I had a hard time using it in the way I had used iPhoto in the past. I pre-ordered Photos for Mac and iOS. It turned out to be just what I needed (the Photo online help wasn't very useful). I'm now on my way back to "normal". In addition, iCloud was new to me (I was very happy with the old MobileMe photo galleries). The author explains the various ways to share photos: iCloud Photo Library, iCloud Photo Sharing and My Photo Stream. Previously it was all very mysterious to me. This book contains a wealth of info and serves as a great reference while I'm using Photos. This was money well spent.
I just received this manual and wow is it helpful! I bought my Mac in 2014 and learned iPhotos as best as I could by taking classes at the Apple Store. When I upgraded to Yosemite OS, it got changed to "Photos". None of the other manuals I bought were much help for learning about photos on the Mac. This one is written so you can easily learn everything you need to know about working with your photos.
This book has been — and no doubt will continue to be — a huge help in coming to grips with the latest iteration of Apple's photo management program. It has inspired me to take a good look at the way I am organizing my huge collection of family photos. The earliest one is dated 1881! At least now I feel I'm on the right track. And the author does it with a light-hearted spirit and sense of practicality that really resonates with me. I highly recommend this book!
I loved this manual. I was frustrated and impatient trying to figure out why Apple had to change iPhoto to a much less user friendly and intuitive program. I have to be "broken down" to buy a manual, but this was exactly the right instruction and assistance I was looking for. As loyal a Mac user as I am, I was just about to investigate Snapfish or the like to complete my project. I'm glad I didn't have to.
I can't really say I hate this book. It's just that I bought it to help me organize photos on my new Mac computer. I now notice on previous poor reviews that the book is for an earlier version of the Photos program. Few of the menus are as described in the book at least on this one particular subject. It is useless to me and I already wasted several hours trying to figure it out. Perhaps Amazon could make it clear in the ad for the book that it isn't for all Photos versions.
Incredibly helpful. Photos was making my brain hurt. I have MANY years experience with DOS/Windows, but am a relative newcomer to the Apple world. Even with a degree in IT management, Photos just was not "clicking" for me. I tried reading all of the Apple Help for Photos...but was still mystified by many aspects of Photos.This book has been a godsend. Additional kudos to the author for confirming and even posting her own errata on the "Missing Manuals" web site. I do a fair amount of technical writing myself, and some little errors (or feature updates) always manage to sneak in, so it's good that the author is on top of that!
Without this invaluable manual I would have been "up the proverbial creek" trying to navigate the new Photos software program (which replaced and obsoleted iPhoto, with which I was intimately familiar and had used with great success). I have now produced two photo albums with the new program -- gorgeous, by the way -- but not without running into a number of minefields and glitches, which will, hopefully, be corrected sooner rather than later. There are a few items that would have made the manual a bit more user friendly, but as I said before I would have been hopelessly lost without it. Although this is not the forum for discussing the downsides of the software, I can't help but note that it does have downsides, most especially for me the awkward manner in which one's photo library is stored. That said, BUY THE MANUAL ... you'll be lost without it!
If you don't have the original Photos, don't waste your money. I have version 2.0 and although the menus and commands are similar, they do not match, leaving you wondering "what to do now?". I wanted something that would teach me the basics as well as answer some questions I couldn't find online. This book is helpful to learn some basics, but after that it's just frustrating following directions that don't mach what you are looking at.